Application for registration
An application for registration may be submitted using the e-mail - only in the following individual cases:
- If an e-service is not created for the submission of a respective type of the application. A detailed list with applications to be submitted using the e-service and exceptions.
- If the application and the attached documents are signed by the e-signature issued by the foreign certified service provider (irrespective of the type of the application).
- For the submission of documents with corrections for the repeated review (following the elimination of deficiencies indicated in the decision of the state notary on postponing the registration) – but only in the case if the initial documents were submitted using one of the channels for submission (by post, in presence, by e-mail) other than the e-service. If the initial documents were submitted in the e-service, it is required to use the e-service for the submission of the documents with corrections as well.
Each document shall be signed separately by a secure electronic signature, which contains a time-stamp.