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2. Scope of the public domain documents
- Commercial Register - articles of association, annual report, division of the shareholder register, contract (decision) of incorporation, regulations for reduction of share capital, regulations of increase of share capital and reorganization agreement, court ruling on dissolution of the company, certificate of a foreign merchant concerning registration of the company in the respective country or an equivalent document as well as the documents modifying the abovementioned documents.
- Journal of the Register of Enterprises – articles of association, reorganization agreement and annual report, documents amending the above-mentioned documents, and the court ruling on the termination of activities n of the company.
- Arbitrage Registry – Rules of the Arbitrage and documents amending the arbitrage rules.
- Register of Political Parties - articles of association, reorganization agreement, program, annual report, documents amending the aforementioned documents, and the court ruling on the termination of activities of the political party.
- Register of Associations and Foundations – articles of association, reorganization agreement and annual report, documents amending the above-mentioned documents, and the court ruling on the termination of activities of the association or foundation.
- Register of Religious Organizations and Institutions – articles of association (constitution, by-laws), documents amending the articles of association and the court ruling on the termination of activities of a religious organization or its institution.
- Public-Private Partnership Contract Register – public-private partnership agreement and documents modifying that agreement.
- Insolvency Register – agenda of the creditors' meeting and administrator's notice of a creditors' meeting.
- Register of Representative Offices – articles of association (by-laws) of a foreign merchant or organization, documents amending the articles of association and the court ruling on termination of activities of the representative office.
- Mass Media Register – court ruling on termination of activities of mass media.
The public domain documents are to be re-used.
It is possible to receive non-public domain documents and documents from the record-keeping file of the Register of Enterprises.