Registration in the SRS
At the same time as registration, it is possible to apply for value added tax and micro-enterprise tax status in the relevant register of the Enterprise Register.
Value added tax status
If a merchant or undertaking wishes to apply for the status of the value added tax payer, an application for registration in the Register of Value Added Tax Taxable Persons shall be submitted simultaneously with the form.
For more information on the website of the State Revenue Service
Status of the micro-enterprise taxpayer
A micro-enterprise is a taxpayer that pays a special tax, not a form of a separate merchant.
The following may become a micro-enterprise taxpayer:
- an individual merchant;
- individual undertaking;
- farm of a farmer or fisherman;
- a natural person registered with the State Revenue Service as a performer of economic activity.
The status of a micro-enterprise taxpayer may be applied for if all of the following conditions are met:
- the owner or individual merchant or individual undertaking of a farm of a farmer or fisherman or a natural person who has registered with the State Revenue Service as a performer of economic activity is not a payer of a micro-enterprise tax;
- the owner of a micro-enterprise is not a taxpayer of the income tax from economic activity;
- operating income - turnover - in the calendar year does not exceed the threshold for registration of value added tax and the micro-enterprise does not intend to become a registered valued added tax payer until reaching the threshold for registration of value added tax.
In order to apply for the status of a micro-enterprise taxpayer, an application may be submitted to the Enterprise Register at the same time as the form for the acquisition of status, or in the form, in the 'status of the micro-enterprise taxpayer' point, indicate that it wishes to apply for status.
More information on the website of the State Revenue Service.