Change of name of an association
2. Checking the name
The name is a designation of an association that ensures its visibility.
Conditions for selecting a name:
- The name must comply with laws, regulations and good virtues, for example, it must not include the name or symbolism of a military formation or an organisation or group recognised as criminal or anti-constitutional, the name and symbolism must not give rise to a positive attitude towards violence
- The name must be clearly and clearly different from other names already registered or registered in the Register of Associations and Foundations or other registers of the Register Authority.
- The name must not contain misleading information about the purpose, type of activity and legal form of the association (e.g. the name of the association may not include the word 'foundation' or 'fund')
- The name must not coincide with the names of State or local government authorities (authorities) or include misleading information about the fact that the association is endowed with public authority (may not include the word 'State' or 'municipality')
- Only Latvian or Latin characters shall be used in the name of the associations.
- Digits may be used;
- Punctuation marks are allowed: points, commas, colus, etc. punctuation marks;
- Allowed to use symbols: &, @,%, +, =. Other symbols are not allowed when larger
- Cannot coincide with an already registered trade mark or part thereof. Check the applicant for trade marks registered by the Patent Office.
- The use of punctuation, spaces, and uppercase or lowercase letters shall not be considered to differ sufficiently from another name.
All documents to be submitted must bear the same name.